Sunday 20 February 2011

What a Busy Week .

It's been rather a busy week this week . No work but a lot of jobs that needed doing and a couple of days out .
On Monday i took delivery of 35 Kilos of Yarn . Rather more than I usually get , it was because I was buying against inflation . The prices are going up . I had to rejig my entire woolroom to fit it in . It took me all afternoon but I did it . Found a lot stuff I'd forgotten about as well :0)
As Wednesday was a gorgeous day we decided to have a day out to Lytham St Annes .
As you can see the Sun was out and the sky was blue .
The church in the centre of the pic is the famous White Church.
We did some beachcombing . Papa Bear wanted some wood for his Bromeliad plants and I picked up a load for making wall hangings . We had quite a haul .
This bit of driftwood was a tad to big LOL.
We had lunch at the Lowther Pavilion Cafe , which was delish . Bacon and mushrooms on toast .

My sock knitting for the Sock Challenge is coming along .
C Socks 
D Socks .
I'm quite pleased I'm keeping up with this as I have other projects on the go as well , mainly baby knitting.
Our new Grandbear is due in six weeks . Time has just flown by .
We've got a new toy as well . A Wii games console. It's got Wii Fit and Wii Board as well . DD set it all up for us on Monday so we are doinf half and hour exercises a day . It's really good fun and as we are trying to lose weight as well it's helping enormously . This year I WILL GET SLIM .Lol
I will have to do though . Two of my DS's bought me a Pamper Day voucher for Christmas and I plan to use it before I go on holiday . DD has volunteered to go with me and as she is 5ft 6in tall with a model figure . You get the picture .I am vertically challenged and a stone and half over weight :0(
I'm not doing to badly . I can now sled my jeans off without unfastening them :0)
Ah well that's all for now folks I'ze off to tie some hanks of yarn , to dye tomorrow .

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