Monday 4 February 2013

Month of Letters

 I'm doing a bit of a challenge this month.
In this age of hi-tech with email texts and the like nobody takes the time to sit down and write a letter.
So this month I'm attempting to write a letter every day to someone.
I have got myself some nice notepaper and cartridges for my fountain pen .
I used to love writing and receiving letters and in my teens I had penpals all over the world.
It was great when the postman came and there was a letter for me.I never opened it straight away .I used to wait till I had time to sit down and savour the words.
When you send emails they dissapear into the ether to be read once and deleted .But with a letter you can read and re-read them .
If you'd like to slow down and maybe write someone a letter you can find out about the challengs HERE
If you'd like to receive a letter from me email me your address at info(at)laalbear(dot)co(dot)uk
and i'll write to you .

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