We managed to get out for a walk in between showers . It stopped raining as soon as we got out of the car and chucked it down when we got back in.
Autumn is marching on at a quick pace now . There was a chill wind and the leaves were flying off the trees. But what a difference a week makes .
The following pictures were taken exactly a week apart .
Last Thursday .
Last Thursday.
We had a lovely walk and Meg met up with another dog and had a good chase round . It was the first time Papa Bear had been out all week . He had a bad seizure on Sunday and it well and truly knocked the stuffing out of him . He's still not 100% but to look at him you wouldn't think there was anything wrong with him . That's the trouble with what I call "hidden" illnesses until people see him have a seizure they think he's fine and wonder why he doesn't work . He's planning to come to Stitch 'N' Bitch tonight though . He doesn't want to miss that if he can help it :-)
The clocks go back next weekend and it's ten weeks to Christmas :-)))
Just thought I'd remind you, then you can all have a mad panic .
My pressies are nearly sorted .I have a pile of sweaters , cardies etc all waiting to be sewn up and finished . I've got three more to knit and a couple of pairs of socks and I'm sorted.
Isn't it great when you're organised.
It's unreal the difference one week can make in your climate! I've never seen such quick cold weather changes as we don't get them around here.
Sorry to hear about Papa Bear being unwell and I am with you re the hidden illness . I keep getting told 'but you look so well and you are always smiling '
Love the photos , what a difference a week makes !!
Thanks for reminding me how close we are too Chritmas though :( My yarn is all spun up and some are knitted but I must geta move on :)
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