Thursday 22 November 2007

Socks and Mitts

I've actually finished rehanking all the wool now. It took nearly three days but it was worth it .It's now sitting in baskets ready to be sold. I start on the next 50 hanks Monday. Someone came last night, to look at it ,with a view to putting it on their website to sell for me but they wanted to much of the profits so I politly said no. I've finished a sock and a mitt in the Christmas yarn and there is plenty of wool for a pair of each. I'm using 100grm of mixed colours and 50 grms red . I'm quite pleased with them and the basket weave stitch seems to grow quickly. I've tried to do a close up of the Channel Island cast on. It gives a really edge and is ideal for socks.

My friends ,John and David, flew off yesterday to Provincetown for Thanksgiving .I gave them a long shopping list to take with them. They are so good . They went earlier this year and brought me back some fabulous fabrics. With the dollar being like it is I get loads for my money . This time it's needles , books and magazines and maybe a little bit of wool.

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